Does Fake Nails Ruin Your Nails?

A lot of people have different opinions on whether fake nails are good or bad for your natural nails. There are some who say that you should only ever use fake nails to avoid damaging your natural nails, while others believe that the chemicals used in fake nails can cause more harm than good. This births the question, does fake nails ruin your nails?

Yes, fake nails can ruin your nails when worn for a long time. They can make the natural nails weak, brittle, discolored, and damaged over a long period of frequent wearing.

We’ll dive into this topic a bit deeper to help you figure out how best to protect your own natural nails as well as what effects might be caused by using fake ones too often.

Reasons Why Fake Nails Can Ruin Your Nails

1. Fake nails can cause breakage

The most common reason fake nails can ruin your natural nails is that they’re an added layer of protection that blocks oxygen, essentially suffocating your natural nail. It’s a lot like how wearing a tight shoe will cause blisters and calluses on the bottoms of your feet because it prevents blood flow from reaching the skin underneath. Similarly, fake nails prevent blood flow to the area under them and can lead to breakage or infection if not removed in time.

2. Fake nails can make it hard to clean under your real nails

Sometimes, after you’ve had fake nails on for a while, they can become difficult to clean underneath. The reason is that because they’re covering up your natural nail, they hide the dirt and grime under there. This can lead to more buildup in the future if you don’t remove any of it every once in a while and can eventually affect your nails.

3. Fake nails can also damage your cuticles

If you’re using fake nails and have never had problems with your cuticles before, this is probably a good time to start treating them regularly. Protecting your real nails from the forceful pressure of fake ones will help avoid any potential damage.

Fake nails can make your natural nails brittle as well. When you wear fake nails for long periods of time without giving yourself breaks, it can weaken the natural nail bed underneath by restricting the blood flow in that area of your finger(s). This restriction causes the cells within that part of the body to become dehydrated and weak which results in brittleness over time.

4. Fake nails can cause discomfort

When fake nails are applied incorrectly, they can cause discomfort and pain. If the glue is not clean, it could irritate your skin and cause an allergic reaction. If the nails are too long or too small for your finger, they may be painful to wear.

If you have very thin or weak nails, then fake nails will only make them worse by breaking them even more.

How Do You Keep Fake Nails From Damaging Real Nails?

1. Always remove your fake nails before going to bed

This is one of the most important tips, and it’s pretty simple: always take off your fake nails before you go to sleep. If you don’t, you could damage your natural nails by wearing them for too long (especially if they’re gel or acrylic). Instead of waiting until morning to remove them, do it as soon as possible.

2. Use a nail file to smooth the edges of your real nails

If you have fake nails, Use a nail file to smooth the edges of your real nails. File the edges of your nails until they are smooth. Be careful not to file too much or you will damage the nail.

3. Use a moisturizer on your real nails

If you’re in the habit of using fake nails, then it’s important to maintain your real ones. Use a moisturizer on them daily and try not to pick at them or scratch them as much as possible because this can weaken the nail and cause it to tear.

4. Keep your real nails short and manicured

Maintaining healthy, long nails is all about keeping them hydrated and moisturized. This means using cuticle oil or balm after you wash your hands to lock in moisture, as well as applying hand cream once or twice a day to keep your skin soft.

Once you have perfected this routine of caring for your own nails, you won’t need fake ones so much. Your real nails will be strong enough that they won’t break off when they grow out.

5. Use a nail strengthener

You can use a nail strengthener while you’re wearing fake nails. This is especially helpful if you have hard, weak nails that break easily, or if your cuticles are particularly dry and damaged.

You can use the nail strengthener after taking off your false nails. If you want to keep your natural nails from breaking or peeling, a good strengthening treatment will help them stay healthy without going through the stress of being pulled off by fake ones again.

Nail strengtheners are also great for adding extra protection against cracking while wearing artificial fingernails or even after removing them. Just apply a few coats before bedtime, and let the magic happen overnight.

6. Avoid biting your nails

If you bite your nails, you may be doing more harm than good. While it’s tempting to gnaw away at those little hangnails and rough patches of skin on your fingertips, doing so can damage the nail bed and cause infections. It also leads to nail biting, which could cause even more problems.

If you really want to get rid of your habit, try using a bitter-tasting product that discourages nail biting as well as applying bandaids or finger mitts between each nail coat application.

How to Remove Fake Nails Safely

  • Use a nail file to break the fake nails off into small pieces.
  • Use cotton balls soaked in nail polish remover to dissolve fake nails that you can’t remove using a file or other tools.
  • Apply cuticle remover to your nails and then use an orange stick or wooden stick to push back your cuticles and clean under them, which will help reduce any risk of infection.

Do Fake Nails Protect Your Nails?

No, they don’t protect your nails. In fact, they can actually damage them. That’s because when you get fake nails put on, the glue that holds them in place is very thin and soft, that way it doesn’t leave a bad mark when you remove the nail art.

But the glue can break down your natural cuticle and underneath layers of healthy skin over time if you wear fake nails constantly. When this happens, it makes your real nail weaker so that it becomes much easier to break or split than usual and that could lead to infection too.

Is It Worth Getting Fake Nails?

Yes, in a way it is worth it when you get fake nails. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get a manicure, fake nails are an option. They’re also fun to wear if you like changing their design or using them as an alternative to nail polish.

For some people, fake nails can be used as a way of covering up damage on your real nails or even preventing any damage from happening. Some people choose not to bite their nails because they know that this habit can lead to brittle or weak natural nails; fake ones may help them avoid temptation in this area as well.

How often should you get fake nails?

How often you should get fake nails depends on the type of fake nails. With acrylics, it's advised to get them done every 2 weeks because they're so thick and stick onto your natural nail. However, if you have gel nails, these can last longer (6-8 weeks). As long as they don't start lifting off or looking damaged, then you're good.

Is it okay to wear fake nails every day?

It depends on the type of false nails that you're wearing. If your fakes are made out of acrylic, which is a form of plastic, they can be tough on your natural nails. But if you get gel fills instead (they look similar to acrylic but are more flexible), then it might be okay to wear them every day.

How long should fake nails be left on?

The length of time you can wear fake nails depends on the type you choose. Some can be worn for up to 2 weeks, while others are only good for a few days. It's important to check the package when you buy your fake nails and see what the recommendations are.


In conclusion, we think that fake nails are great. They look awesome and they make it easier to do things like paint your nails with glitter or go on vacation without worrying about chipping. However, they may not be the best choice for you if you plan on wearing them long-term because they can cause damage over time.

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