Acrylic nails are a great way to improve your appearance and the overall health of your nails. But if you’re planning on going outside, you need to know how to protect your acrylics from sun damage. Follow these simple steps to ensure your acrylic nails don’t melt away from too much sun exposure. Here are some steps to protect acrylic nails when tanning. So let’s discuss the issue how to protect acrylic nails when tanning?

4 Ways how to protect acrylic nails when tanning?
1. Cover the nails physically or use nail polish
If you want to wear your acrylic nails or gel nails while tanning in the sun or in tanning salon, apply clear nail polish on top of the nail polish that you’ve already applied. This will help protect your nails from discoloration and other damage caused by UV rays.
If you don’t want to put on a coat of clear nail polish, then you can use a UV nail polish instead of an ordinary one. The only difference between these two types of nail varnishes is that ordinary nail polishes contain chemicals that absorb ultraviolet light (UV), while UV nail polishes do not contain any chemical absorbers at all.
2. Cover the artificial nails with nail savers or plastic bandages
When you’re tanning, your nails can take a beating. That’s why it’s important to protect acrylic nails and keep them looking good.
To do so, cover your acrylic nails with nail savers or plastic bandages. You can use any small plastic wrap if you don’t have nail savers. Make sure the wrap is tight around each nail and doesn’t move around while tanning.
3. Opt in for solar nails
To protect your acrylic nails while tanning, opt for solar nails. Solar nails are made of a flexible material that allows your nail to flex and bend slightly when you move your hands around. This is an excellent way to protect your acrylic nails from cracking or chipping while you’re out in the sun. Also, they’re made from UV-resistant materials that won’t turn yellow or fade over time. Plus, they’re easy to apply and remove.
4. Use a barrier cream
Protecting your acrylic nails when tanning is important to avoid damage to the nail plate. Another way to do this is by using a barrier cream, but if you don’t have any handy, then take a decent amount of either your barrier cream or moisturizer and apply a thick coating around the cuticles. Remember to let it set for about 15 minutes before going into the tanning booth.

Can You Tan After Getting your Nails Done?
Yes, you can tan after getting your nails done. The main thing to note is that your nails will be more porous than usual, which means they’ll absorb more UV rays from the sun. So if you want to avoid sunburn on your hands, use sunscreen or cover your nails properly, as explained in the first section.
Does Fake Tan Stain Acrylic Nails?
No, a fake tan does not stain acrylic nails. Fake tan does not stain acrylic nails but can stain the cuticles and skin surrounding your nails. If you’re concerned about this, consider wearing gloves when applying your fake tan.
In addition, acrylic nails are made of a strong and flexible plastic called acrylic. They are created by applying a liquid monomer that sets in place to create a hard, protective coating over the nail. This coating is so hard that it can protect your nails from breaking and bending while protecting them from damage caused by chemicals and cleaning supplies. You can only have stains on your acrylic nails because of the following reasons:
1. Poor quality of service
Poor quality of service can be a cause of stains on acrylic nails. When the technician does not perform their job properly, it can result in stains on your nails. If they fail to use the proper cleaning product, their nails may have stains.
2. Smoking
Another reason why acrylic nails get stained is because of smoking. Smoking causes the nail to be discolored and brittle. The nicotine in cigarettes can cause yellowing and darkening of the nails and brittle nails. It also irritates your skin and can cause nail infections.
3. Food Stains
One of the most common causes of yellowish stains on nails is food. This can include foods like turmeric, curry powder, and mustard. This is because these foods contain high levels of sulfuric compounds, which are left behind when they’re cooked or dried out and then brushed off onto your hands or cuticles by accident.
4. Soap Scum
Another very common cause of yellowish stains on acrylic nails is soap scum. This includes bar soap residue and liquid hand soaps (which often leave behind a white film on your fingers after washing). When this soap scum gets wet later down the road (from water splashing off your hands during daily activities), it dries out again into an opaque white film that looks just like an acrylic nail polish color.
How to Remove Stains From Acrylic Nails
Acrylic nails are a great way to make your hands look beautiful and polished. However, they can also be difficult to maintain. Sometimes stains will get on your nails, making them look dirty or unkempt. If you want to clean them up, there are several different methods that you can use. In case your acrylic nails get stains from tanning, here are some tips to remove them to get it off:
1. Use water and soap
If you’ve got a stain on your nails, you can use water and soap to get it off. First, get a bowl of warm water (not hot) and mix in some dish soap. Soak your nails for about five minutes, then gently rub at the stain with a tiny bit of toothpaste.
If that doesn’t work, try rubbing some olive oil on the stained area before soaking your fingers in warm water again for another five minutes or so. The stain should come right off.
2. Use toothbrush
One option is to use a toothbrush. You will need a soft-bristled one that is not too abrasive or hard. You can dip it in water and then brush over the stained area as gently as possible until all of the stains are gone. This method works best if the stain is fresh; if it has been there for some time, then it may take longer than usual. It should eventually come off with enough scrubbing.
3. Use a cotton pad with lemon juice
Lemon juice is a great way to remove stains from acrylic nails. The acidity in lemon juice helps break down the stain and make it easier to remove.
To start, soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and let it sit on the nail for about 30 seconds. Next, rub the area until you see the stain start to disappear. If you notice that the stain has not disappeared after several minutes, you may need to repeat this process until all of the stain is gone.

4. Use Hydrogen peroxide
Soak cotton balls in hydrogen peroxide and place them on top of the stain while they are still moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Leave them on for 30 minutes before removing them. Repeat this process if necessary until all traces of the stain are gone.
5. Use acetone or rubbing alcohol
To use either acetone or rubbing alcohol to remove stains from acrylic nails, dab some of the solvent onto a cotton ball and rub gently over the area with the stain. You may have to use more than one cotton ball if the stain is large or deep-seated.
6. Repaint your nails
This is a great way to deal with acrylic nail stains. It will help hide the stain, and it’s also a good way to prevent future stains from happening. If you paint your nails every time you paint them, they won’t be able to soak up any of that stain color.
Should I get nails done before or after a tan?
If you're going to get your nails done, you might be wondering whether to get them done before or after a tan. We recommend getting your nails done after the tan, because most nail salons use UV light to dry the polish, and this can make your skin more susceptible to damage from the sun. If you want to keep your nails short, go for it! If not, we'd advise against getting them done before your tan.
How long do acrylic nails last?
In general, acrylic nails can last anywhere from two weeks to three months depending on these factors. Some people have found that their acrylic nails last longer if they get frequent manicures (which can be pricey), while others have had better luck with the do-it-yourself approach.
Does tanning turn acrylic nails yellow?
Yes, acrylic nails can get yellowed as a result of tanning. If you're not protecting your nails during tanning sessions, they can become discolored. Because acrylic is a flexible material, it's important to use proper care when handling it.
Protecting your acrylic nails and nails with gel nail polish when tanning is a good idea. When you are tanning your nails, it is important to keep them away from the UV light.
Also, protecting your acrylic nails can be done with simple things like keeping them in a plastic bag or placing them in a small Ziploc bag, which will help to protect them from any harsh chemicals that might be used during tanning. Also we recommend you to use barrier cream while tanning session.
Can I go tanning with acrylic nails?
Yes, you can go tanning with acrylic nails. Acrylic nails are designed to be durable and withstand various activities, including exposure to UV rays from tanning beds or sunlight. However, it’s always a good idea to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure by using sunscreen or covering up while tanning.
Do sunbeds make acrylic nails yellow?
Sunbeds can potentially cause acrylic nails to become yellow over time. The UV rays emitted by sunbeds can lead to a process called “yellowing” or “discoloration” of acrylic nails. To minimize this effect, you can apply a UV protective topcoat specifically designed for acrylic nails before using a sunbed.
Will pink and white nails turn yellow in tanning bed?
Pink and white acrylic nails can potentially turn yellow in a tanning bed due to exposure to UV rays. It’s recommended to apply a UV protective topcoat and limit sunbed usage to minimize the risk of yellowing.
How do you fix yellow nails from tanning?
To fix yellow nails from tanning, try gently buffing the surface, soaking in lemon juice and water, using whitening toothpaste or hydrogen peroxide, moisturizing regularly, and protecting nails from further UV exposure.