How To Remove Nail Polish From Metals

If you don’t store your nail polish in the appropriate place, you will have to deal with nail polish stains on most of your things, including the metal in your house. Perhaps your nail polish splattered on a metal surface.

Instead of tossing away the metal due to the mild discoloration caused by the nail polish, you can successfully get rid of it by following a technique.  Luckily, we got quite a few ways you can employ to remove nail polish from metal. Let’s get right into it.

5 Ways to Remove Nail Polish from Metal

1. Using WD40

WD40 is a multi-functional product that is used to protect metals from corroding, and rusting and also lubricate them. It is used to eliminate grease from other types of surfaces.

Since you are dealing with nail polish on metal, you can use WD40 to do the trick. So, how can you do this method? Let’s find out. Below are the materials and instructions you need for this method.


Step 1: Clean the nail polish yet to dry on the metal with a paper towel. You might need to change the towel to clean up as much nail polish from the metal as possible.

Step 2: Saturate the nail polish stain on the metal with the WD40 spray.

Step 3: Let the polish soak in the spray for a few moments.

Step 4: Use the scrub brush to scrub the nail polish carefully. You must scrub carefully, so you won’t leave any brush imprint on the metal.

Step 5: Use a cloth or paper towel to clean the moisture on the metal.

2. Use denatured alcohol

Denatured alcohol is a substance made with harmful and bad tasting additives, making it unfit for humans to consume.

They are similar to Isopropyl alcohol, but denatured alcohol has much more ethanol than methanol (mostly 85:15).

However, they are used to remove stains, clean windows, etc. So, we’d be using it to remove the nail polish on your metal. The equipment and procedures you need for this method are as follows;


Step 1: Use the putty knife to scrape away the nail polish on the metal.

Step 2: Pour a little amount of denatured alcohol into the nail polish.

Step 3: Use the steel wool to scrub the stain on the metal. You might need to add more denatured alcohol in the process.

Step 4: Then clean the remains on the metal with a cloth. You can also repeat the process until the nail polish stain is gone.

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3. Using nail polish remover

Did you think of using nail polish remover when the nail polish splattered on the metal? You made a good move. Another technique to remove nail polish from metal is the polish remover.

The nail polish remover also removes stickers imprinted on metal or glass surfaces. The materials and instructions you will need for this method are as follows;


  • Nail polish remover.
  • Cotton swab.
  • A cloth.
  • Steel wool.

Step 1: Wet the cotton swab with nail polish remover and squeeze out the excess.

Step 2: Saturate the nail polish on the metal with the wet cotton swab.

Step 3: Let the polish soak up the remover for some minutes.

Step 4: Use the steel wool to scrub the nail polish.

Step 5: Clean the residue on the metal with a cloth or paper towel.

4. Using baking soda paste

Baking soda is one of the easiest ways to remove nail polish from metal. This substance is super effective in removing stains from any surface.

I have tried baking soda on most stains, and it worked perfectly. So, we’d use the paste to remove the nail polish on your metal.


  • Baking soda.
  • Water.
  • Small bowl.
  • Scrub brush.

Step 1: Put the water in a pot, and boil it.

Step 2: Let the water cool, then pour it into a small bowl.

Step 3: Add two spoons of baking soda to the water. Although the amount of baking soda depends on how much the nail polish is. All you need to do is make a thick paste.

Step 4: Apply the paste on the nail polish stain on the metal.

Step 5: Use the scrub brush to scrub the polish.

Step 6: Clean the residue on the metal. Repeat the process if the nail polish is still on the metal.

5. Use white vinegar

Another way to remove nail polish from metal is by using white vinegar. White vinegar is similar to baking soda because they have almost the same element that works for removing stains.

So, you can use white vinegar if you do not have baking soda. Let’s get right into the procedure.


  • White vinegar.
  • Water.
  • A pot.
  • A bowl.

Step 1: Pour a cup of water into the pot and boil it.

Step 2: Then, pour the water into a small bowl, and add white vinegar.

Step 3: Saturate the nail polish with the white vinegar mixture.

Step 4: Scrub the polish carefully with a scrub brush.

Step 5: Then clean the moisture on the metal with a cloth.

Note: Ensure you use gloves when removing the nail polish on the metal. Also, remove the nail polish on metals in a well-ventilated place.


Metals are used in manufacturing many things, but it can be hard to remove stains from them. However, if you splatter nail polish on metal, you can remove it using any methods in this article.

Pick one of the methods, get the materials listed, and follow the procedures. Also, the way to take care of metals was discussed, so your metal objects can last long. I hope this blog post answers all your questions. Good luck.