The human body is amazing, and so are its various systems. Your body can regenerate itself from almost any wound, including those you inflict upon yourself. If you lose a bit of skin or a fingernail, your body will grow back in no time. The body parts, like toenails, are processed so that once damage occurs, they can always grow back. However, how long does it takes for a toenail to grow back?
The average toenail takes between 18 months. This is the time frame that most people will experience, but it can vary depending on the type of injury you sustained. If your toenail was damaged by trauma, such as being hit with a hammer or stubbing your toe on something sharp, it could take longer for the nail to grow back completely.
How Can I Make My Toenail Grow Back Faster After Getting Injured?
You can speed up the process of nail regrowth by taking care of your toenails. Also, a healthy diet will help with the growth of nails, so you should eat lots of protein-rich foods. In case your toenails are damaged, you can do the following to make them grow back faster:
1. Trim away any sharp edges if your nail is torn
Toenails are pretty durable, but you should not damage them further by trimming away any sharp edges. Any torn or damaged nail can cause the nail bed to be more susceptible to infection, so you must ensure your nails are intact.
If your nail is torn or damaged, use a nail clipper to trim away any sharp edges and smooth out any rough edges with a file. Make sure not to cut too close to the toe because if you do this, you may accidentally cut the quick of your toe (the part under your nail).
2. Keep the injured toe propped up for the first days after losing the nail
The first three days after losing your toenail is critical. The body needs time to adapt and heal, so keep the injured toe propped up for this period. This will help prevent infection and ensure that your body has1 time to fix itself before it starts trying to grow a new nail from scratch.
3. Avoid getting your toe wet for the first 1-2 days after losing
As a general rule, stay out of the pool and away from the shower for a few days following your injury. The reason is simple: water is bad for open wounds, and getting your toe wet can swell up more than it already is.
4. Wash your injured toe with clean water after the first two days
Wash your injured toe with clean water after the first two days. Use a soft cloth to clean the area gently, and avoid using harsh soaps or chemicals. Warm water will help soften and clear away any scabs that have formed over your wound, making it easier for you to remove them when they fall off naturally. Warm water helps ease any pain or discomfort associated with washing the injury site.
5. Apply a little petroleum jelly to protect and moisturize your nail bed
To protect and moisturize your nail bed, apply petroleum jelly to the skin’s surface around your toe. Petroleum jelly is an excellent moisturizer that will help keep your dry skin hydrated as it heals. Be sure to use only a little, as this can cause clogged pores and lead to more problems with ingrown nails.
6. Protect your nail with a bandage while it grows in
While a new nail grows, you can protect it with a bandage to help it grow faster and keep it strong. However, to prevent infection, you’ll need to change the bandage after any contact with water or dirt. Be sure to apply petroleum jelly after removing the old bandage so it doesn’t become dry and brittle.
7. Wear shoes that fit well to avoid further injury
It is important to wear shoes that fit well to avoid further injury. Too tight or loose shoes may cause the nail to bend, leading to ingrown nails or even infection.
8. Be patient as your nail grows
Patience is key, but don’t let the wait discourage you! Nails take time to grow. You may think your nails are growing unusually slowly, but they will return to normal eventually. If you want to keep your feet as healthy and pretty as possible during this waiting period, here’s what we recommend:
- Don’t tamper with the nail bed (the area below where your cuticle ends) or file down any of your nails. Doing so can cause further damage if not done properly and will prolong how long it takes for new nails to grow back. Try not pulling on the skin around the cuticle either; this could cause inflammation or infection (not good).
- Keep up with moisturizing (and even exfoliating!) daily using a foot cream or lotion with salicylic acid; this keeps calluses soft, so they don’t become rough like sandpaper when walking barefoot around the home while waiting for new growth.
How Can to Grow Your Toenails Quickly
1. Soak the nail in warm saltwater 2-3 times a day to prevent infection
Soak the nail in warm saltwater 2-3 times daily to prevent infection. The saltwater will help draw out any infection that may have developed around your nail and relieve pain while you wait for it to heal. Repeat this daily until your nail has grown back completely.
2. Treat the nail with vitamin E ointment to encourage growth
If you’re concerned about the length of time it takes for a toenail to grow back, consider applying vitamin E ointment. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help heal wounds and promote skin growth. It has also been shown to improve circulation in the body. While there isn’t much scientific evidence on using vitamin E as a nail growth enhancer, many people have found that applying it to their nails helps them grow faster and stronger.
3. Try taking a biotin supplement
If you’re looking for a way to speed up the growth of your toenails, try taking biotin supplements. Biotin is a vitamin that promotes healthy hair and nails. It’s also available in supplement form and can be purchased at most pharmacies.
4. Eat a diet rich in calcium and protein to promote better nail growth
A diet rich in calcium and protein can promote better nail growth. Nails are made up of keratin, which is a type of protein. If you don’t eat enough calcium or proteins, your nails will be able to grow as fast. Calcium also keeps nails strong and healthy.
Foods that contain calcium include dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream; leafy greens like kale or spinach; fish with bones like sardines; tofu; beans (including soybeans); almonds; whole grains such as wheat loaves of bread or cereals; figs.
5. Get a massage to promote better circulation in your feet
If you want to speed up your nail growth, try getting a massage. Massages can help stimulate blood flow in your feet, promoting faster nail growth. If you’re not into getting someone else to rub your feet for you, find a way to give them a nice, long massage every morning and night!
6. Manage any health conditions that might affect your nail growth.
If you have a health condition that could affect the growth of your nails, it’s important to manage it. Also, if you have diabetes, for example, talk to your doctor about managing high blood sugar levels to prevent damage to the blood vessels in your feet. This can lead to severe complications, such as peripheral arterial disease.
Will a Toenail Grow Back Normally?
Yes, most toenails will grow back normally as long as they’re healthy and there isn’t anything interfering with the normal process of nail growth. If a toenail gets damaged or injured, it may take longer to grow back than usual. If you have diabetes and are experiencing problems with your blood sugar control, you may notice changes in how your nails look and feel. They could become thicker or more brittle than normal due to reduced circulation in your body.
You can expect your toenail to grow back in about six months. It will take a little longer if you have diabetes or a toe infection. If you have diabetes, it can take up to a year for your toenail to grow back completely. The most important thing is not letting it get infected by keeping the area clean and dry.
Read also: Do nails grow faster in water?